Full Guide to the Safe Use of Electric Cooking Plate

An electric cooking plate or more popularly, a hot plate is a compact and portable heating and cooking instrument, typically used as a stove or replacement gas burner where complete kitchen facilities are not available. While most hot plates nowadays are electrically powered, gas-fired types also enjoyed some popularity some years ago, and are still available, although are quite rare these days as electronic types dominate the market. Hot plates come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, the most common of which have round and flat surfaces. Other types have temperature regulating capabilities, such as those with in-built temperature control systems that regulate heat by adjusting voltage and power used on the hot plate. There are also heat retentive plates that lock-in heat and release the energy slowly to help keep food warm. Because hot plates retain heat, proper handling must always be observed when around these items. Whether you are cooking or simply reheating food on an electric cooking plate, here are some pointers to remember when handling a hot plate:

  1. Only work with stove heat-resistant items and utensils when using a hot plate. For an added layer of safety, use heat-resistant gloves, especially when working with hot pans on a hot plate.
  2. Refrain from using metal pans on the plate as this may end up damaging your device. When using a pan on your hot plate, however, make sure to dry its lower surface before setting it on the hot plate to prevent damage on both your pan and your hot plate.
  3. Keep volatile and flammable objects away from your hot plate.
  4. Ensure your hot plate’s good working order by inspecting it for damage prior to each use. Check for any signs of cracking and have the plate repaired or replaced before using it.
  5. Keep temperature around the recommended level for each type of cooking to avoid causing undue damage because of overheating.

To prolong the life of your electric cooking plate, it also pays letting it cool before cleaning and storage.

Author: samstores

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